2019 Troop 15 Food Drive

Scouting for Food bags were distributed on Saturday, April 27, 2019. Bag pick up Saturday morning May 4, 2019; please have bags out by 9am Saturday morning for pickup by Troop 15 Boy Scouts. This is the pantry’s biggest food drive and helps sustain food supply through the Fall.

Please check dates as the Rowley Food Pantry is unable to distribute outdated food.

Thank you!

Rowley Food Pantry needs:
– Canned/Jar goods- fruit, jam/jelly, Chef Boyardee/Spaghettios, tuna fish, chicken, baked beans, pasta sauce,
– Coffee, 100% juice (boxes/bottles)
-Brownie/Cake/Pancake mix
– Paper towels, toilet paper, tissues, napkins
– Shampoo, Conditioner
-Laundry detergent, dish soap, cleaning supplies.